Welcome University of Kansas Medical Center Students!
Graduate Teaching Assistants, Graduate Research Assistants, and Graduate Assistants

Note: For best results, please use your desktop or laptop computer. Request Coverage is not supported for mobile devices.

Kansas Board of Regents Health Insurance Plan & Eligibility Requirements:

The Kansas Board of Regents, in cooperation with the state universities, offers health insurance for students through United Healthcare Student Resources (UHCSR). An employer (University) contribution towards the student-only premium is provided to Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs), Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs), and Graduate Assistants (GAs) who meet the following eligibility requirements:

For each of the fall and spring semesters, the student must hold at least a 50% GTA, GRA, and/or GA appointment for a minimum of eight consecutive work weeks during the semester. For the summer session, the student must hold at least a 50% GTA, GRA, and/or GA appointment for a minimum of four consecutive work weeks from the end of spring semester classes to the beginning of fall semester classes.

Students who hold concurrent GTA , GRA, or GA appointments are eligible if the combined appointments total at least 50% for the minimum number of weeks.

Requirements to hold a GTA, GRA, or GA appointment may be found on the following web page http://www2.kumc.edu/aa/gradstudies/grad_GTA.htm

The University will approve eligibility for the health insurance plan with a University contribution for a KUMC student if the student is on the official KUMC GTA, GRA and/or GA appointment that meets the stated criteria above and if the student is hired in the University’s Human Resources/Payroll system with that same appointment.

Students with scholarships/fellowships or who otherwise do not meet the above eligibility requirements for the GTA/GRA/GA plan may be eligible for the regular student plan. Information about on-line enrollment in the regular student plan is available at: http:://www.uhcsr.com/kumc

Policy Year: The health insurance policy year is from August 1 through July 31 of each year.

Explanation of Coverage:

Brochure: Click Here
Preferred Providers: Click Here
Effective Date:
Open Enrollment: If eligibility requirements are met and on-line enrollment is completed during the following open enrollment periods, health insurance will be effective as follows:

Open EnrollmentEffective Date
Fall SemesterAugust 1-31August 1
Spring SemesterJanuary 1-31January 1
Summer SemesterMay 1-30June 1

Enrollment after the end of open enrollment: A GTA/GRA/GA may elect health insurance coverage at any time after the open enrollment period ends by completing the on-line enrollment process. If eligibility requirements are met, coverage will be effective the date the enrollment is received by UHCSR.

Premium will be accepted by semester only. The premium shown in the brochure is the student’s responsibility. The University’s contribution is in addition to the premium rate shown.

Dependents can also be enrolled in this health insurance plan. The additional premium is the student’s responsibility. The University does not contribute towards the dependent premium.

On-line enrollment for this health insurance is a TWO-STEP process for you:

Step 1: Complete the on-line application process via the link below.

The University of Kansas Medical Center will verify your eligibility to enroll in the GTA/GRA/GA health

To submit your application please complete this  Enrollment Form

University of Kansas Medical Center contact:

Valerie Noack
3901 Rainbow Blvd
MS 4005
Kansas City, KS 66160
913-945-7347 (phone) 913-588-4697 (fax)
Office Hours: 9:00 – 5:00 Monday - Friday