Welcome Purdue Fellowship Students!

Note: For best results, please use your desktop or laptop computer. Request Coverage is not supported for mobile devices.

All qualified graduate Fellows are eligible to enroll in this plan. Eligible Dependents or same sex Domestic Partners of those enrolled in the plan are eligible and may participate in the plan on a voluntary basis. Students enrolling self with dependents may not enroll online. Please visit our Student Insurance office to enroll. If you have questions about your eligibility, contact your departmental business office. Other questions may be directed to the Student Insurance Office, located in PUSH, Rooms 338 and 340. Or contact us by email at student-insurance@purdue.edu .

Fellowship stipends which fund approximately 75% of the insurance costs are distributed in August and December paychecks. Check with your business office if you have questions concerning stipend payments.

Please be aware that if you select "annual" for the policy period on the enrollment page, you will need to pay the full annual premium. If you enroll and pay only for the fall semester, it is your responsibility to re-enroll and pay the spring/summer premium by January 14, 2014 so as to avoid a lapse in coverage. Only International students are required to enroll in this health insurance plan. For more information, visit the Purdue Student Health Center website. http://www.purdue.edu/push/insurance/internationalStudents.shtml

The full Fellowship insurance plan may be viewed online in our Policy Brochure.